Why Is a Routine Well-Woman Exam So Important?Mar 10, 2025Besides providing comprehensive reproductive health care, your yearly well-woman exam is the perfect opportunity to seek expert guidance on health issues that matter most to you. Here’s why this annual visit is so important.
What Are My Birth Control Options?Feb 04, 2025There are five general categories of birth control, and within them, nearly 20 specific methods for preventing an unplanned pregnancy. Get to know your contraceptive options so you can find the one that best suits your needs.
When Should a Hysterectomy Be Considered?Jan 23, 2025If you’re living with a gynecological condition that hasn’t improved with conservative care and causes severe symptoms that undermine your quality of life, an elective hysterectomy may be the next best step. Learn more here.
How Does Menopause Cause Brain Fog?Dec 12, 2024You may have been expecting hot flashes, weight gain, sleep troubles, and vaginal dryness — but brain fog? Learn how the hormonal changes of menopause can affect your brain and cloud your thinking, and find out what you can do about it.
Pellet Delivery for Bioidentical Hormone Therapy: All Your Questions Answered Nov 06, 2024You’re about to start hormone replacement therapy and can’t wait to ease those disruptive menopausal symptoms. Learn how advanced bioidentical hormone pellets work to do just that — and find out what to expect along the way.
When Should I Start Having Routine Mammograms? Oct 17, 2024Having regular screening mammograms is the best way to catch breast cancer early, in its most treatable stage. Here’s when women should start having mammograms — and how often they should have them.
PCOS: Understanding the Most Common Cause of Irregular Periods Sep 16, 2024Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a leading — yet treatable — cause of irregular periods and female infertility. Learn more about the warning signs, health effects, and treatment options for this common women’s health problem.
Prenatal Ultrasounds: When and Why They’re DoneAug 12, 2024Prenatal ultrasounds are a safe, easy, and effective way to monitor fetal development and well-being — and keep tabs on maternal health — during pregnancy. Learn why they’re so important and when they’re typically done.
When Is Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Cause for Concern?Jul 25, 2024If your periods are disruptively heavy, you’re not alone: one in three women seek expert care for this common problem. While heavy menstrual bleeding isn’t always a sign of something serious, it should always be investigated. Here’s why.
Prenatal Exercise: Benefits, Guidelines, and Workout OptionsJun 20, 2024From increased energy and improved sleep to fewer pregnancy-related aches and a faster postpartum recovery, prenatal exercise comes with many benefits — provided you adhere to a few important workout guidelines.
What Every Woman Should Know About Bone Health After Menopause May 09, 2024You expected the hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, and vaginal dryness, but bone loss? That’s right — menopause is a major risk factor for accelerated bone loss and osteoporosis. Find out why, and learn what you can do about it.
I Have Endometriosis: Can I Still Get Pregnant?Mar 02, 2024Endometriosis may be responsible for as many as one in two cases of female infertility, but being diagnosed with the condition doesn’t mean you won’t be able to get pregnant. Here’s how the right treatment approach can help.
I’ve Been Diagnosed with High-Risk HPV: Now What? Feb 08, 2024A positive HPV test can be scary, but being diagnosed with high-risk HPV doesn’t mean you have cervical cancer — it means you may have a higher risk of developing cervical cancer. Here’s how your results can help you manage that potential risk.
Your Upcoming Colposcopy: How to Prepare and What to ExpectJan 12, 2024If your routine Pap smear revealed high-grade cervical cell changes, the next step is a follow-up diagnostic colposcopy. Here’s what you can expect before, during, and after this quick and important procedure.
When Is a Hysterectomy the Best Option?Dec 11, 2023Each year in the United States, surgeons perform over half a million hysterectomies. This common surgery may be necessary and lifesaving, or it may be elective and life-improving. Here’s when the procedure might be recommended.
6 Factors to Consider When Developing Your Labor and Delivery PlanNov 14, 2023A birth plan tells our team and other maternity care providers what’s important to you leading up to, during, and just after your baby’s arrival. Here are six important factors to consider when outlining your labor and delivery preferences.
Understanding the Latest Breast Cancer Screening Recommendations Oct 09, 2023Breast cancer is the most common female cancer in the United States, and having regular screening mammograms is the best way to catch it early, in its most treatable stage. Learn more about the latest breast cancer screening guidelines here.
3 Lifestyle Changes That Can Help You Manage PCOSSep 01, 2023Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can interfere with your fertility, affect your appearance, and undermine your long-term health. Here’s how a few key lifestyle changes can help you gain the upper hand over this common condition.
My Pap Smear Results Are Abnormal: Now What?Aug 01, 2023An abnormal Pap smear doesn’t necessarily mean you have cervical cancer. In fact, in most cases, it means you have concerning cell changes that should be watched or treated to help prevent cervical cancer. Learn more here.
How Lifestyle Modifications Can Ease Your Menopausal SymptomsJul 01, 2023Whether you’re dealing with hot flashes, sleep difficulties, low energy, weight gain, or all of the above, the right lifestyle changes can help ease your menopausal symptoms so you can get back to your active life. Here’s how.
The Many Advantages of Robotic SurgeryJun 09, 2023If surgery is the next best step for your long-standing gynecologic problem, you want the most advanced surgical treatment available. Read on to discover the many advantages you stand to gain from your treatment with da Vinci® robotic surgery.
How Does Genetic Screening Work?May 02, 2023Prenatal genetic screening is optional, noninvasive testing that provides information about your fetus’s risk of having certain genetic disorders. Learn how it works and what it can (and can’t) reveal about your developing baby’s health.
Is Hormonal Birth Control Safe?Apr 10, 2023Hormonal contraceptives like the pill, the patch, and the implant have helped millions of women stay in control of their family planning choices and reproductive health. Learn more about the safety of hormonal birth control here.
I Have Endometriosis: Can You Help?Mar 15, 2023Millions of women in the United States live with endometriosis, a painful gynecological problem that can cause painful periods, give rise to fertility problems, and interfere with everyday life. If you’re one of them, we can help.
How Does BioTE Treat My Menopausal Symptoms?Feb 23, 2023Tired of living with hot flashes, low energy, vaginal dryness, and mood swings? Learn how BioTE® hormone replacement therapy can counteract persistent menopausal symptoms and improve your quality of life.
Understanding 4 Types of Barrier Birth Control MethodsJan 27, 2023Barrier contraception prevents pregnancy by physically blocking sperm from entering your uterus. In some cases, it also prevents the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Learn about four common barrier methods here.
5 Signs You’re Healthy in the Hormone DepartmentDec 07, 2022Hormones are vital chemical messengers that tell your body what to do and when to do it. When they’re healthy and balanced, you’re healthy and balanced too. Here are five strong signs that your hormones are working just as they should be.
Healing From Your Hysterectomy: What to ExpectNov 01, 2022Each year in the United States, about half a million women have a hysterectomy to resolve a serious gynecologic condition or treat a reproductive cancer. Learn more about this common surgery, including what you can expect as you recover.
Mammograms and the Importance of Catching Breast Cancer EarlyOct 12, 2022Breast cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosis — and the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths — among women. Catching breast cancer in its early, most treatable stage can be lifesaving, and mammograms aim to help you do just that.
6 Reasons to Schedule Your Next Mammogram ASAPSep 01, 2022Having regular clinical breast exams and screening mammograms is the best way to catch breast cancer in its early, most treatable stage. Don’t put your next routine mammogram off any longer.
Thriving Through MenopauseAug 01, 2022Menopause may give rise to a variety of bothersome symptoms and worrisome health effects, but there’s a lot you can do to manage the transition, protect your well-being, and effectively thrive through the “change of life.”
5 Benefits of Performing Gynecologic Surgery with Robotic AssistanceJul 01, 2022It can be stressful to learn that surgery is the best way to resolve a persistent women’s health problem, but don’t worry: Advanced techniques have made gynecologic surgery less invasive, more precise, and easier to recover from than ever before.
6 Tips for Getting Your Body Ready for PregnancyJun 01, 2022Whether you’re actively trying to conceive or you’re just thinking about having a baby, it’s never too late to prepare your body for pregnancy. Here are six important steps you can take to improve your preconception health.
Choosing the Right Birth Control for YouMay 01, 2022Women have a wide variety of birth control methods to consider these days. But you may find you have as many questions as options when it’s time to choose. Learn what a women’s health care specialist has to say about choosing the right type.
Learn About Surgery-Free MonaLisa TouchApr 04, 2022Declining estrogen levels cause many of the symptoms associated with menopause, including vaginal dryness and irritation. MonaLisa Touch® is a nonsurgical, hormone-free treatment for these gynecological concerns. Click here to learn more.
New Patient PortalDec 17, 2021POG has rolled out our new patient portal, My Health Record. This new portal gives you, the patient, the ability to view upcoming appointment details, review medications, view health records, manage profiles, view documents and forms, and...
December 2021 Updated Coronavirus/Covid-19 PolicyDec 15, 2021At this time face masks are not required but recommended. For your safety and the safety of other continue to practice social distancing.
So You Received An Abnormal Pap SmearDec 21, 2020First, let’s help you get the best understanding of your diagnosis as possible. Then we’ll cover management options.
4 Types Of Cysts - The FactsDec 21, 2020The ovaries are two small organs located on either side of a woman’s uterus. An ovarian cyst is a sac or pouch filled with fluid or other tissue that forms on the ovary. It is normal for a small cyst to develop on the ovaries.
Be Diligent For Early DetectionOct 22, 2020Globally, there are about 1.38 million new cases and 458,000 deaths from breast cancer each year. An estimated 252,710 new invasive cases of breast cancer are expected to occur among women in the United States...
Safe Otc Medications For When You're ExpectingMar 03, 2020Pregnancy is a magical time in a woman’s life, though it doesn’t always feel that way. Caring for two lives in the middle of cold and flu season can be overwhelming. Washing hands frequently, drinking plenty of liquids and getting lots of sleep...
Three Reasons For A Bone Density TestFeb 20, 2020Why Should Patients Get Bone Density Tested? Panhandle OB/GYN’s bone density test assesses these major health concerns
Uterine Fibroids: What Women Need To KnowFeb 14, 2020What causes uterine fibroids, how are they detected and how are they treated? Uterine fibroids… The phrase alone is intimidating. What are they, and how do they form? Who is at risk, and how are they treated?
Atrophic Vaginitis: What Is It And How Can It Be Treated?Feb 01, 2020Laser therapy for your vaginal health, available through your Panhandle OBGYN healthcare provider. Panhandle OBGYN offers a treatment that is an effective, non-surgical and non-pharmacological solution for preventing and treating vaginal atrophy...
National Cervical Cancer Awareness MonthJan 25, 2020Cervical cancer is detectable with regular pap tests. Here’s what you need to know in time for National Cervical Cancer Awareness Month in January.
The Importance Of Getting A Flu Shot While PregnantJan 25, 2020Why women – especially pregnant women – should get their flu shot each year It’s (almost) the most wonderful time of the year. There’s just one little speed bump that keeps this time of the year from being perfect: flu season.